News | 24/06/2016

10 Positive Things to Come Out of The EU Vote on Twitter

Posted by Lawrence Greenlee

Ar, people of Britain, we can always count on you to provide a light hearted side to any situation. Whether you’re proud or plain peeved at the recent referendum result, one thing is for certain, Twitter was a great place to browse that day. If you’ve been near a screen, you probably haven’t been able to escape the deluge of media headlines in the fallout; so we thought, why not, let’s get involved with a guide on our own journey on the platform on 24 June.

  • A Buzzfeed article entitled ‘26 Brexit Tweets Guaranteed To Make You Laugh, Cry, Or Probably Both’ led us to discover the Medieval Reactions page @MedievalReacts – (not a 24 June post, but it’s a good ‘un):
  • The Guardian ran a story on the resignation of David Cameron with the following promo image:
  • on a more serious note, more young voters may be driven to vote at the next General Election – blue is remain and yellow is out, by the way:
  • Thousands were reminded of a classic children’s programme:
  • Thorpe Park was handed its next rollercoaster design on a LD TV platter:
  • We looked back at heartwarming campaigns in the run up to 23 June, like this one from political website, which shouted that the UK is loved around Europe.
  • Twitter users helped one rather wayward American tourist who had lost his way:
  • Our feline friends sent a representative to talk things through at number 10:
  • HBO hasn’t drawn money from the European Regional Development Fund lately, so Game of Thrones fans can rest easy:
  • Last but not least, some Brits improved their understanding of modern history after the vote – better late than never:

The following quote from Seth Godin has never been more poignant: “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”

Social media offers you the opportunity to not just sell, but to listen, target and engage, and Twitter has certainly flexed its muscles. Let Cobb help your business to tell its story by calling the social media team on 01273 208913, and let’s roll with punches together.