Creative Marketing | 27/01/2017

Blogging for businesses: the numbers behind the letters

Posted by Lawrence Greenlee

Did you know, blogs are the 5th most trusted information source on the internet? That makes your blog one of the most valuable digital tools you have in your arsenal. If you’re looking to boost your online presence, position yourself as an industry thought-leader, enhance brand awareness and get your foot in the door of the content marketing world, your business blog is the place to start. Not convinced? Here are the irrefutable numbers behind the letters that are sure to win you over:

Believe us now? Blogs truly are one of the most valuable tools you can use to increase visibility and build awareness around your brand, as well as being a handy and relatively cheap way to communicate with your customers. Whether you’re a big brand or just starting out, blogging is the basis of any content marketing strategy (and if we’ve learnt anything in the past few months, it’s that content is king).

What’s more, producing unique, quality blogs with all the right keywords will definitely get you into Google’s good books, helping you climb to position one on that search page.

To finish, we’ll leave you with some bonus facts:

  • Research shows that 75% of people never scroll past the first page of Google and 80% ignore paid search engine ads. That means it’s even more crucial for you to give your organic search a boost.
  • 92% of companies who blog multiple times a day acquire customers through their blog.
  • B2B companies with a blog acquire 67% more leads than those that don’t. In the B2C sector that shoots up to 88%.

So, fancy boosting business numbers, improving SEO and establish strong customer relationships? Give the Cobb team a call or pop in for a coffee and see how we can help you.