News | 19/09/2014

Breakfast seminar: Where recruitment meets social media

Posted by Lawrence Greenlee and Cobb Digital would like to formally invite you to an exciting free breakfast seminar: ‘Changing World of Recruitment: Using social media to beat your competitors’.

Date: 26th November

Time: 7:45 AM for coffee and croissant, 8 AM start

Venue: Sussex County Cricket Club

Cost: Free To book: email or call 01273 208 913

The 75-minute seminar, chaired by expert speakers in the fields of recruitment and digital marketing: Managing Director of LoveLocalJobs, Nicky Binning, and Managing Director of Cobb Digital, James Dempster will examine how social media has changed recruitment and candidate behaviour and how the use of social media provides new opportunities and insights to stay ahead of your competition.

Nicky Binning has over 20 years’ recruitment experience, has spoken at global and CIPD conferences and recently joined Having led recruitment teams for JP Morgan, AXA Insurance and KPMG, Nicky will share her insights, demonstrate the power of social media in recruitment and how to utilise digital marketing to benefit all company facets.

Managing Director of Cobb Digital, James Dempster, who has 10 years’ experience within marketing and PR, will share with you practical insight on how to target new business and get your message in front of the candidates through social media channels.

We’d love you to join us so please email ASAP to secure your free place.