Creative Marketing | 28/06/2017

Keeping your head in the creative game

Posted by Lawrence Greenlee

As content writers far and wide will know, keeping your creative hat on at all times is the key to producing great work time and again. But, as content writers far and wide will also know, keeping your head in the creative zone can be exhausting (if you’re unlucky enough to be out of creative juices) and more than a little confusing (if you’re lucky enough to have more than one great idea at the same time). Thankfully, this is a problem that affects even the very best, so there are a few tips and tricks to help us all keep our heads firmly in their creative content clouds.

Make a note of your brilliant ideas

If you’re having a particularly productive day, make sure you record it, you never know when brilliant ideas could come in handy. It doesn’t matter if they’re not directly related to the task at hand. In fact, they’re more likely to distract you if they’re not stored away safely for future reference. Obviously, having a bank of incredible ideas will help to keep your writing fresh and inspired, even on the less creative days.

Stay in research mode at all times

Research mode might sound like the least creative thing in the world, so think about it as healthy curiosity and open-mindedness for anything and everything. It’s probably the best place to start when you’re clutching at inspiration straws. If the information you find looks like it might be a useful nugget in the future there’s nothing to stop you from bookmarking it and making a note of where you found it so that you can re-inspire yourself later on.

Spend a few minutes reading about your subject matter

If you’re struggling to get into a creative headspace for a particular piece, spending five minutes reading around the subject could really help. It might not be strictly creative, but it will give you a feel for what you need to be writing, as well as the appropriate tone of voice to use.

Put pen to paper

In a digital world, much of the writing we find ourselves doing takes place firmly behind a computer screen. If you’re struggling for ideas, the next sentence or a great title, putting physical pen to physical paper could give you a whole new perspective on whatever it is that’s struggling to get out of your head. You’ll probably be surprised to find that the ideas flow a lot easier in mind map/ spider diagram/ to-do list format.

Talk to your team

Content writing is just a small part of many digital marketing strategies, so no doubt you’ll have a whole team working towards the same goal. Whether you’re stuck for ideas, or you have one too many, talking to the team – who are no doubt as familiar with the brief as you are – could open a world of possibilities or just help you get your thoughts together.

Take a break

Most creative minds hop from A to B to Z and back again, so trying to multi-task or bite off more than you can chew is unlikely to lead to your best work. Actually, taking regular breaks from creativity and writing is just as important to make sure your headspace is clear and ready for inspiration when you come back again.


Want some help channelling your great ideas into great content? We’ve mastered the art of channelling our creativity into something productive, useful and unique to each and every client. Get in touchtoday and let us help you realise your big ideas!