News | 10/11/2017

Let’s Get Digital: Automation Plus with Alex Calder, Akero

Posted by James Dempster

We’re big fans of Akero, so we were pretty pleased when Alex agreed to tell our guests all about automation. Automation is a key element to digital marketing, and Akero’s own platform is a vital tool for our team, so it made perfect sense to mix their expertise with our own…

Out with the old and in with the new

With so many platforms and tools out there, as well as a never-ending stream of business cards to handle, many marketers have become rather overwhelmed. Which is where Akero came in. Akero wanted to save space in their own marketing brains and take a more focused approach to all things data capture, testing and automation. This led to the development of Automation Plus, a single platform that holds all the good stuff. As regular users of Automation Plus, we can confirm this.

What does it do?

Alex took us through the true power of Automation Plus in great detail – we’ve just pulled out the best bits:

  • The ability to build professional-looking custom forms and landing pages.
  • A/B testing functionalities, so that you can instantly see what’s working and what’s not.
  • Seamless transitions between your landing pages, forms and other software like Salesforce, Mailchimp and Facebook.
  • Event capture – like business cards without the paper.
  • One place for all of your leads.

Putting together a conversion strategy

At some point, all of your marketing becomes geared towards conversions of some sort, so having a conversion strategy is kind of a big deal. Alex took us through the 4 As framework, showing us how to narrow down all the criteria that goes into the perfect approach.

  • Audience – in other words, the people carrying out conversions. Ask yourself who you’re targeting and how you can identify then qualify leads.
  • Assets – what do you have that your competitors don’t and what videos/ content/ information do you have to set yourself apart from the crowd?
  • Actions – if you’ve got a solid marketing plan already you’ll know what your objectives are. Then all you need to do is match these up to your leads, guiding them to key touchpoints, encouraging them to take the actions you want them to.
  • Activities – there’s no end point to marketing and you’ll need to discover a way to send, trigger and track the engagement your efforts are generating. Workflows can be useful in the lead nurturing process and with the right metrics you’ll be able to prove ROI.

If you want to find out more about Akero and their software, head to their site. Automation Plus has proved itself to us and our clients time and again, allowing us to revolutionise campaigns. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out about all things automation and take your marketing to the next level.

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