News | 10/06/2017

Let’s Get Digital: Bitesize Google Goodness with Christian Ryan

Posted by Christian Ryan

Last week, we promised a rundown of each and every talk, and we always keep our promises. First up, we’re taking a look at some of the highlights of Christian’s talk on all things Google…
Attribution for all

We’re all on pins and needles waiting for Google’s new Attribution tool, so it’s no wonder that this is the first thing we talked about. Christian took us through the basics of Google Attribution, which is set to be released in January or February next year.
What’s all the fuss about? Google Attribution will make life so much easier for marketers, especially when it comes to ecommerce brands. Traditionally, we’ve been working on last click statistics: a customer clicks on an email and makes a purchase therefore email was responsible for that conversion. Not anymore though! Now, we’ll be able to track each customer touchpoint, allocating success to all the channels responsible and gaining insight into which paths work. All of this will lead to greater usability and a smoother journey for customers, meaning greater success for you!
The most wonderful time of the year… for retailers
After learning just what Google Attribution will be able to do, Christian shared some of the key retail stats that we’ll all be needing in the run up to Black Friday and Christmas.
It turns out people are all about updating their wardrobes during Black Friday, as indicated by the season’s search behaviour. In the UK, apparel and jewellery were the highest searched categories by far.
Moving swiftly on, we explored a mobile-first world, in which shoppers visit stores with a greater intent to make a purchase. “Where to buy” searches have grown over the past two years by a massive 85% and web users are watching “store tour” videos for ten times longer than they were in 2015.
One of the key learnings from Christian’s talk, though, was that these kinds of searches actually peak on Christmas Eve, with last minute shoppers making the most of convenient online shopping. So, when you’re running your ads, make sure they go all the way up to Christmas Eve as this is prime store searching time!
“Our world is increasingly more mobile and more skippable”

As if we needed any proof. Google found that 78% if adults take a multi-screen approach, watching TV whilst also using another device such as a phone or laptop. What’s more, our attention span has dropped a whopping four seconds since 2000 and we’re down to an average of eight seconds.

Of course, the opportunities are endless when it comes to the things that Google can do! If you’d like a hand with all things search related, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team.
Christian will be writing a whitepaper on Google Attribution – sign up to our newsletter and you’ll be amongst the first to receive it.