News | 22/04/2014

Local SEO – 3 ways to get known!

Posted by Christian Ryan

With 1 in 4 searches now occurring on a mobile * and 52% of UK smartphone users searching daily **, it’s time your business made the most of some tactics that could really help increase your Local SEO visibility.

In 2012 Google updated the way it ranks sites to try and ensure more local companies would rank for any given search term e.g. if someone searches for “plumber in Brighton” a plumber in Brighton would appear and not a big chain or conglomerate. How successful this has been is debatable, however there’s certainly more accuracy now as well as other tools you can use to increase local exposure. Savvy marketers are making the most of these, particularly from searches on mobile devices.

Below are 3 quick tips that will help you increase your Local SEO standing:

Google places for business

If there’s one takeaway from this blog, this is it. It’s so simple to register your business with Google places for business and the rewards can be massive. Register your business name and address with Google along with opening times, description of your company; contact number and other key information and Google will display it via Google maps, and in Organic search results. In some specific local searches Google will now display these pages above Organic search results.


Reviews and referrals have been around since…well ever probably. Google have utilised this age-old marketing tool within their Local business set up. Searchers who are logged in to one of the Google products are able to rank a business with up to 5 stars and leave a comment also. This plays a massive part in users decision making process now and sites like Trip Advisor and Air B&B are just 2 of the companies that use this to great affect.
If you have a massive advocate for your company who’s willing to leave a review ask them to do so via your Google business page, if a situation arises when 2 companies are completely equal apart from a good review I’m sure we know which one a user would choose. A note of caution here, DON’T create bogus reviews or pay people to do one, the likelihood is you’ll be found out…and no one wants a Google penalty.

Title Tags, keywords, and Meta Descriptions

These old tactics are as true now as they ever were. Include a naturally written title tag that includes your location keyword in it. This is still arguably the single most influential tactic employed today. Sell your company in your Meta description and highlight your companies USP’s. Be sure to make note of the character limits of both mobile: 115 characters and organic search results 150 – 160 so you can be sure to really ensure your messaging hits home.

These are just 3 tips that can help you increase you local SEO presence.

Have you got any you’d like to share? Give us a Tweet and let us know, we’d love to hear it.