Creative Marketing | 24/02/2017

The many hats of a digital content marketer

Posted by Lawrence Greenlee

Businesses were once quick to judge the value of content marketing: how much ROI a humble blog can generate, how many leads are generated from a feature article. Today, content marketing teams are recognised as a crucial part of an integrated, digital-driven team, with more hats to wear than a high-end milliner.

If you’re wondering what our Engagement team gets up to in the office, and, if you’re a client, what you’re getting for your money, here’s a breakdown of an average hectic and eclectic week.


Let’s start with the obvious: we do a lot of writing! The written word is a pretty standard content form that we’re all familiar with, but the types of material that us writers now need to adapt to are growing by the year. These include podcasts, video content, live video content, white papers, e-guides, slideshares, interview pieces, social content, and even down to the nitty gritty like text ad copy.

Market Analyst

We keep an eye on the trends that are specific to your industry and we never miss a beat when it comes to jumping on relevant news. In some ways, we’re jacks-of-all-trades, especially in an agency environment. Once we become familiar with your industry we’ll be able to keep up with current trends and compare them to past ones meaning you get an extra brain on your team and highly relevant and useful content.

Relationship Manager

Not only will we manage projects, we’ll make sure all the relationships in the team and between agencies are peachy too. We’re also on hand to help you in a crisis or give you a hand communicating with a tricky customer.

Project Manager

Not only are we pros when it comes to generating creative ideas to boost your profile, we’re also pretty great at making sure every part of a project falls together seamlessly. When you’re working with a big team or a number of agencies, coordinating work can be tricky. Your content exec will make sure comms with the rest of the team and other agencies, like graphic designers, run smoothly, leaving you free to focus on other things.

Take a look at our full range of content services


In many ways, your blog is just like a magazine. And like all good magazines, this requires a decent editor. Us content execs know that your content needs to be curated to perfection; only useful and relevant pieces make the cut. We’ll also make sure that everything you do is correct and accurate to make sure your site and your blog content look the part.

Outreach Executive

Outreach is a big part of today’s content marketing mix. Part of what we do every week is to seek out media opportunities for clients to drive traffic from another channel and raise brand awareness. Our outreach relationships include Rightmove, big publishing players like The Guardian and The Telegraph (courtesy of our in-house PR guru Vic) and

Part-time jack of all trades

If you’ve ever seen a job ad for a content marketing executive, you probably would have noticed the sheer length of it. From basic HTML skills and photo editing knowledge to SEO fundamentals and even management experience, the average content marketer is expected to fill a variety of boots – in case situations should arise, which they frequently do.


Content marketing is kind of a big deal. Blogs are the 5th most trusted information source on the internet, while marketers who prioritise content marketing are 13X more likely to see positive ROI. Call us on 01273 208913 for a plain English, no obligation chat to discuss how we can kick-start your content output, or pop in for a biscuit and a cuppa.

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