Creative Marketing | 15/01/2019

What you really should be doing with your emails in 2019

Posted by Camilla Chapman

2018 was an interesting year for email marketing, particularly with the introduction of GDPR in May. But as we roll into 2019, we look through the trends that will be making an appearance, and how you can get more out of your email marketing strategy in the new year.

Use more segmentation

The more targeted your emails are to your subscribers’ needs and interests, the higher your click-through rates will be. One way to segment your emails is through self-selected email automation, where you give your subscribers the choice to choose the content they receive. By using segmentation, not only will your emails stand out from the crowd, but your subscribers will keep coming back to your emails. All in all, you’ll gain higher engagement and a greater return; a win-win for everyone!

Personalise your content

Personalising your emails is a great way to keep your subscribers engaged and boost click-through rates. You can start things off simply by just adding your subscriber’s first name into your email content, then progress to adding their name in the middle of a paragraph.  By including personalisation within your emails, your subscribers will feel as if you’re addressing them directly, helping to nurture the relationship.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, there’s much more you can do to make your communications more personal, such as sending them an email on their birthday or recommendations for other products that they might like based on purchase behaviour.

More creativity

Be creative with your campaigns this year! Whilst it’s important to stick to your brand’s identity, don’t be afraid to make your emails more visual to stand out. Content such as videos and GIFs gain much greater engagement. Your emails should also include more interactive features, such as downloadable content, which can result in higher sales and will improve the overall email experience better for your subscribers.

Mobile optimisation

There already is a big emphasis on mobile optimisation within the email marketing industry but this is the year that you need to prioritise this process, with mobile usage at its peak. It’s relatively simple to make sure that your emails will look great on mobile, such as using responsive email templates and dividing text into smaller paragraphs. Call to actions are also vital when it comes to mobile optimisation; you should make converting as easy as possible and you can make a start with this by simply making your CTA buttons larger.

It’s also worth ensuring the entire user journey from email to purchase is fully mobile optimised and seamless so you don’t see a drop off when your subscribers click-through and start browsing the site.

2019 looks set to be a big year for email marketing so make sure you’re fully set and ready to make your campaigns go further this year.

We’re experts when it comes to all things email marketing and love helping our clients develop strategies that work. If you’d like to speak to us about creating strategic and impressive email automations, get in touch today.