News | 13/10/2015

Whitepaper: 4 simple tactics for PPC success in 2016

Posted by Christian Ryan

I love PPC, out of all the marketing channels at a marketeers disposal it’s definitely the most accountable. You can see where every single penny of your precious advertising budget goes. Seeing how many clicks a keyword receives, how many impressions an ad accrues and how many conversions your campaign achieves are all possible.

The medium has come a long way in a relatively short time and now there are more elements and possibilities within a PPC account. From video marketing to remarketing lists, to ad extensions and ad building software there certainly is a tool for every type of marketing objective.

In this whitepaper we offer 4 key PPC tools that (if they aren’t already) should be part of any PPC strategy. These are currently working really well for our clients.

Download the whitepaper here